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Dessert Wines
Margerum NV Amaro 12 Year 'Solera', Santa Barbara County, California Digestif, 375 ml
Margerum NV Amaro 12 Year 'Solera', Santa Barbara County, California Digestif, 375 ml

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Dessert Wines

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House recipe fortified wine (grape neutral spirits) with herbs (sage, thyme, marjoram, parsley, lemon verbena, rosemary, and mint), barks, roots, dried orange peels, and caramelized simple syrup. Aged in cask outdoors. Final result is 23% alcohol. There are one hundred cases produced. Doug’s Notes: Drink it neat (one or two oz.) after dinner as a digestive. I also love it as the bitter component for a Perfect Manhattan. 1 part sweet vermouth (or Carpano Antica is really good), 1 part dry vermouth (I like Dolin), two parts bourbon (although I've been making rye Manhattans and I like them better), a dash of Margerum Amaro, and a twist of lemon zest. This can be served up or on the rocks. Use a magnifying glass to look at the front image on the label. It is very cool.